1. Q. Dong, X. Zhang*, S. Zhang, and T. Li. Field-of-view-based Informative Viewpoint Planner for Fast Exploration of 3-D Environments, under review.
77. Z. Huo, H. Wu*, R. Xu*, M. Yuan, X. Zhang. Toward eFAST autonomous robotic ultrasound imaging: system integrations and experimental studies, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2025, accepted. [Bilibili]
76. C. He, Z. Zhao*, X. Zhang , H. Yu, R. Wang. RotInv-PCT: Rotation-Invariant Point Cloud Transformer via Feature Separation and Aggregation, Neural Networks, 2025, accepted. [Bilibili]
75. S. Zhang, X. Zhang*, Q. Dong, Z. Wang, H. Xi, J. Yuan. FSMP: A Frontier-Sampling-Mixed Planner for Fast Autonomous Exploration of Complex and Large 3-D Environments, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, accepted, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2025.3547488. [Bilibili]
74. J. Huang, M. Yuan*, Z. Huo, S. Zhang, X. Zhang. Adaptive Robust Interaction Force Control of a Robotic Manipulator in Uncertain Environments. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (T-IE), accepted, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2024.3525103. [Bilibili]
73. S. Wu, X. Zhang*, S. Zhang, Z. Song, R. Wang, J. Yuan. MPOC-SLAM: an RGB-D SLAM system with motion probability and object category in high dynamic environments. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, accepted, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2024.3410508. [Bilibili]
72. Y. Wang, X. Zhang*, R. Wang, Z. Song, S. Zhang, Y. Tong. Target-Free and User-Friendly online extrinsic calibration of LiDAR-IMU-Camera systems guided by motion excitation assessment. IEEE Transactionson Intelligent Vehicles, accepted, DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2024.3409541. [Bilibili]
71. J. Wen, X. Zhang*, Q. Bi, H. Liu, J. Yuan, Y. Fang. G2VD Planner: efficient motion planning with grid-based generalized Voronoi diagrams, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2025, 22: 3743-3755. [Bilibili]
70. T. Li, S. Zhang*, X. Zhang, Q. Dong, J. Huang. SGS-Planner: A skeleton-guided spatiotemporal motion planner for flight in constrained space, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2025, 30(1): 191-202. [Bilibili]
69. Q. Bi, X. Zhang*, S. Zhang, R. Wang, L. Li and J. Yuan. LRAE: Large-Region-Aware Safe and Fast Autonomous Exploration of Ground Robots for Uneven Terrains. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024, 9(12): 11186-11193. [Bilibili][Code]
68. Z. Pan, R. Wang*, Q. Bi, J. Yu, X. Zhang. RH-ECBS: Multi-Robot path planning framework based on regional heuristic and enhanced CBS, Robotica, 2024: 1-11.
67. Y. Tong, X. Zhang*, R. Wang, Z. Song, S. Wu, S. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Yuan. TC2LI-SLAM: A Tightly-Coupled Camera-LiDAR-Inertial SLAM System. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2024, 9(9): 7421-7428. [Bilibili]
66. X. Liu, X. Zhang*, S. Zhang, M. Yuan, J. Yu. Manipulability-augmented next-best-configuration exploration planner for high-DoF manipulators, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024, 9(5): 4265-4272.
65. Q. Bi, X. Zhang*, J. Wen, Z. Pan, S. Zhang, R. Wang, J Yuan. CURE: A hierarchical framework for Multi-Robot autonomous exploration inspired by centroids of unknown regions, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(T-ASE), 2024, 21(3): 3773-3786. [Bilibili]
64. L. Li, X. Zhang*, C. Qian, R. Wang, M. Zhao. Autopilot controller of fixed-wing planes based on curriculum reinforcement learning scheduled by adaptive learning curve, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2024, 8(3): 2182-2196.
63. L. Li, X. Zhang*, C. Qian, M. Zhao, R. Wang. Cross coordination of behavior clone and reinforcement learning for autonomous within-visual-range air combat, Neurocomputing, 2024, 584: 127591.
62. C. Qian, X. Zhang*, L. Li, M. Zhao, Y. Fang. H3E: Learning air combat with a three-level hierarchical framework embedding expert knowledge, Expert Systems With Applications, 2024, 245: 123084.
61. Z. Zhao, H. Yu, H. Wu*, X. Zhang*. Bio-inspired affordance learning for 6-DoF robotic grasping: A transformer-based global feature encoding approach, Neural Networks, 2024, 171: 332-242.
60. R. Wang, Z. Zhu, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang, B. Li. Visual servoing trajectory tracking and depth identification for mobile robots with velocity saturation constraints, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (T-IE), 2024, 71(6): 5950-5959.
59. R. Li, X. Zhang*, S. Zhang, J. Yuan, H. Liu, and S. Wu. BA-LIOM: Tightly-coupled Laser-Inertial odometry and mapping with bundle adjustment, Robotica, 2024, 42(3): 684-700. [Bilibili]
58. Z. Song, X. Zhang*, T. Li, S. Zhang, Y. Wang, J Yuan. IR-VIO: Illumination-robust visual-inertial odometry based on adaptive weighting algorithm with two-layer confidence maximization, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), 2023, 28(4): 1920-1929. [Bilibili]
57. H. Gao, X. Zhang*, J. Yuan, Y. Fang. NEGL: Lightweight and efficient neighborhood encoding-based global localization for unmanned ground vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology(T-VT), 2023, 72(6): 7111-7122.
56. L. Li, X. Zhang*, C. Qian, R. Wang. Basic flight maneuver generation of fixed-wing plane based on proximal policy optimization, Neural Computing and Applications, 2023, 35: 10239-10255.
55. T. Li, X. Zhang*, S. Zhang, X. T. Zhang, X. Chen. STUNS-Planner: A spatiotemporal motion planner with unbending and consistency awareness for quadrotors in unknown environments, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2023, 107(1): 7.
54. M. Yuan, X. Zhang*. Minimum-time transient response guaranteed control of servo motor systems with modeling uncertainties and high-order constraint, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs(T-CSII: EB), 2023, 70(6): 2156-2160.
53. M. Yuan, X. Zhang*. Stability and fast transient performance oriented motion control of a direct-drive system with modeling uncertainties, velocity and input constraints, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), 2022, 27(6): 5926-5935.
52. M. Yuan, X. Zhang*. Towards fast trajectory recovery for servo motor driven systems under instantaneous large disturbance: a constrained minimum-time online trajectory replanning approach, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs(T-CSII: EB), 2022, 69(8): 3595-3599.
51. S. Zhang, X. Zhang*, T. Li, J. Yuan, Y. Fang. Fast active aerial exploration for traversable path finding of ground robots in unknown environments, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement(T-IM), 2022, 71: 1-13.
50. J. Wen, X. Zhang*, H. Gao, J. Yuan, Y. Fang. E3MoP:efficient motion planning based on heuristic-guided motion primitives pruning and path optimization with sparse-banded structure, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(T-ASE), 2022, 19(4): 2762-2775.
49. C. Li, X. Zhang*, H. Gao, R. Wang, Y. Fang. Bridging the gap between visual servoing and visual SLAM: a novel integrated interactive framework, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(T-ASE), 2022, 19(4): 2245-2255.
48. R. Wang, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang, B. Li. Virtual-goal-guided RRT for visual servoing of mobile robots with FOV constraint, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems(T-SMCS), 2022, 52(4): 2073-2083.
47. H. Wang, S. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, X. Zhang*, J. Liu. Near-optimal 3-D visual coverage for quadrotor UAVs under photogrammetric constraints, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (T-IE), 2022, 69(2): 1694-1704.
46. C. Li, B. Li*, R. Wang, andX. Zhang. A survey on visual servoing for wheeled mobile robots, International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Springer, 2021, 5: 203–218.
45. R. Wang, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang. Visual tracking of mobile robots with both velocity and acceleration saturation constraints, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 150: 107274.
44. H. Y. Liu, R. Song*, X. Zhang, H. Liu. Point clouds segmentation based on Euclidean clustering and multi-plane extraction in rugged field, Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, 32(9): 095106.
43. J. Yuan, W. Zhu, X. Dong, F. Sun, X. Zhang, Q. Sun, Y. Huang. A novel approach to image-sequence-based mobile robot place recognition, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (T-SMCS), 2021, 51(9): 5377-5391.
42. J. Yuan, J. Cai, X. Zhang, Q. Sun, F. Sun, W. Zhu. Fusing skeleton recognition with face-TLD for human following of mobile service robots, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems(T-SMCS), 2021, 51(5): 2963-2979.
41. J. Jiang, J. Yuan, X. T. Zhang, X. Zhang. DVIO: An optimization-based tightly coupled direct visual-inertial odometry, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(T-IE), 2021, 68(11): 11212-11222.
40. Q. Sun, J. Yuan, X. Zhang, F. Duan. Plane-Edge-SLAM: seamless fusion of planes and edges for SLAM in indoor environments, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(T-ASE), 2021, 18(4): 2061 - 2075.
39. F. Jiang, X. Zhang*, X. Chen, Y. Fang. Distributed optimization of visual sensor networks for coverage of a large-scale 3-D scene, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), 2020, 25(6):2777-2788.
38. P. Shen, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang, and M. Yuan. Real-time acceleration-continuous path-constrained trajectory planning with built-in tradeoff between cruise and time-optimal motions, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(T-ASE), 2020, 17(4): 1911-1924.
37. X. T. Zhang, Y. Fang, X. Zhang, J. Jiang, X. Chen. Dynamic image-based output feedback control for visual servoing of multirotors, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (T-II), 2020, 16(12): 7624-7636.
36. X. T. Zhang, Y. Fang, X. Zhang, P. Shen, J. Jiang, X. Chen. Attitude-constrained time-optimal trajectory planning for rotorcrafts: theory and application to visual servoing, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), 2020, 25(4): 1912-1921.
35. X. T. Zhang, Y. Fang, X. Zhang, J. Jiang, X. Chen. A novel geometric hierarchical approach for dynamic visual servoing of quadrotors, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (T-IE), 2020, 67(5): 3840-3849.
34. J. Wen, X. Zhang*, H. Gao, J. Yuan, Y. Fang. CAE-RLSM: consistent and efficient redundant line segment merging for online feature map building, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement(T-IM), 2020, 69(7): 4222-4237. [Bilibili] [Code]
33. M. Zhao, X. Guo*, X. Zhang, Y. Fang, Y. Ou. ASPW-DRL: assembly sequence planning for workpieces via a deep reinforcement learning approacheces, Assembly Automation, 2019, 40(1): 65-75.
32. H. Gao, X. Zhang*, J. Yuan, J. Song, Y. Fang. A novel global localization approach based on structural unit encoding and multiple hypothesis tracking, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement(T-IM), 2019, 68(11):4427-4442.
31. H. Gao, X. Zhang*, J. Wen, J. Yuan, Y. Fang. Autonomous indoor exploration via graph-based SLAM using directional endpoint features and polygon map construction, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(T-ASE), 2019, 16(4): 1531-1542.
30. X. Zhang, R. Wang, Y. Fang, B. Li, B. Ma. Acceleration-level pseudo-dynamic visual servoing of mobile robots with backstepping and dynamic surface control, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems(T-SMCS), 2019, 49(10): 2071-2081.
29. X. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Fang, H. Gao, J. Yuan. Multilevel humanlike motion planning for mobile robots in complex indoor environments, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(T-ASE), 2019, 16(3): 1244-1258.
28. B. Li, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang, W. Shi. Visual servoing of wheeled mobile robots without desired images, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics(T-CYBER), 2019, 49(8): 2835-2844.
27. X. Zhang, X. Chen*, F. Farzadpour, Y. Fang. A visual distance approach for multi-camera deployment with coverage optimization, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics(T-MECH), 2018, 23(3): 1007-1018.
26. P. Shen, X. Zhang*, and Y. Fang. Complete and time-optimal path-constrained trajectory planning with torque and velocity constraints: theory and applications, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), 2018, 23(2): 735-746.
25. B. Li, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang, W. Shi. Visual servo regulation of wheeled mobile robots with simultaneous depth identification, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(T-IE), 2018, 65(1): 460-469.
24. P. Shen, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang. Essential properties of numerical integration for time-optimal path-constrained trajectory planning, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2017, 2(2): 888-895.
23. X. Zhang, Y. Fang, B. Li, J. Wang. Visual servoing of nonholonomic mobile robots with uncalibrated camera-to-robot parameters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(T-IE), 2017, 64(1): 390-400.
22. X. Zhang, X. Chen, J. Alarcon, Y. Fang. 3-D model-based multi-camera deployment: a recursive convex optimization approach, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics(T-MECH), 2015, 20(6): 3157-3169.
21. Z. Zhao, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang. Stacked multilayer self-organizing map for background modeling, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(T-IP), 2015, 24(9): 2841-2850.
20. X. Zhang, Y. Fang, N. Sun. Visual servoing of mobile robots for posture stabilization: from theory to experiments, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2015, 25(1): 1-15.
19. X. Zhang, Y. Fang, N. Sun. Minimum-time trajectory planning for underactuated overhead crane systems with state and control constraints, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(T-IE), 2014, 61(12): 6915-6925.
18. X. Zhang, Y. Fang, X. Liu. Motion-estimation-based visual servoing of nonholonomic mobile robots, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), 2011, 27(6): 1167-1175.
17. X. Zhang, Y. Fang, Y. Zhang. Discrete-time control of chained non-holonomic systems, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2011, 5(4): 640-646.
16. X. Zhang*, B. Zhang, X. Chen, Y. Fang. Coverage optimization of visual sensor networks: survey and comparison, International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Springer, 2019, 3(4): 342–361.
15. H. Gao, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang, J. Yuan, A line segment extraction algorithm using laser data based on seeded region growing, Int. Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2018, 15(1): 1729881418755245. [Code]
14. X. Zhang, C. Wang, Y. Fang, H. Lu, X. Chen. Global homography calibration for monocular vision-based pose measurement of mobile robots, International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Springer, 2017, 1(4): 372-382.
13. Y. Qiu, B. Li, W. Shi, X. Zhang. Visual Servo Tracking of Wheeled Mobile Robots with Unknown Extrinsic Parameters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(T-IE), 2019, 66(11), pp. 8600-8609.
12. Q. Sun, J. Yuan, X. Zhang, F. Sun. RGB-D SLAM in Indoor Environments with STING-Based Plane Feature Extraction, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), 2018, 23(3): 1071-1082.
11. Q. Lu, L. Yu, D. Zhang, X. Zhang. Simultaneous tracking and regulation visual servoing of wheeled mobile robots with uncalibrated extrinsic parameters, International Journal of Systems Science, 2018, 49(1):217-229.
10. F. Ke, Z. Li, H. Xiao, X. Zhang. Visual servoing of constrained mobile robots based on model predictive control, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (T-SMCS), 2017, 47(7): 1428-1438.
9. H. Lu, Y. Fang, X. Ren, X. Zhang. Improved direct inverse tracking control of a piezoelectric tube scanner for high-speed AFM imaging, Mechatronics, 2015, 31: 189-195.
8. B. Li, Y. Fang, X. Zhang. Visual servo regulation of wheeled mobile robots with an uncalibrated onboard camera, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), 2015, 21(5): 2330-2342.
7. B. Li, Y. Fang, G. Hu, X. Zhang. Model-free unified tracking and regulation visual servoing of wheeled mobile robots, IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology(T-CST), 2016, 24(4): 1328-1339.
6. B. Li, Y. Fang, X. Zhang. Essential-matrix-based visual servoing of mobile robots without short baseline degeneration, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2015, 30(4):397-406.
5. N. Sun, Y. Fang, and X. Zhang. Energy coupling output feedback control of 4-DOF underactuated cranes with saturated inputs, Automatica, 2013, 49(5): 1318-1325.
4. N. Sun, Y. Fang, X. Zhang, Y. Yuan. Transportation task-oriented trajectory planning for underactuated overhead cranes using geometric analysis, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2012, 6(10): 1410-1423.
3. N. Sun, Y. Fang, and X. Zhang. An increased coupling-based control method for underactuated crane systems: Theoretical design and experimental implementation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, 70(2): 1135-1146.
2. Y. Fang, B. Ma, P. Wang, X. Zhang. A motion planning based adaptive control method for an overhead crane system, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (T-CST), 2012, 20(1): 241-248.
1. Y. Fang, X. Liu, X. Zhang. Adaptive active visual servoing of nonholonomic mobile robots, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (T-IE), 2012, 59(1): 486-497.
19. 王子玉, 张世勇*, 董千里, 奚浩博, 张雪波. 面向目标实时稳定跟踪的无人机主动观测轨迹规划. 控制与决策, 2024, 已录用.
18. 王臆淞, 赵铭慧*, 张雪波. ASM2:面向海空联合场景的多对手多智能体博弈算法, 控制理论与应用, 2024, 已录用.
17. 刘辉, 张雪波*, 李如意, 苑晶. 双目视觉辅助的激光惯导SLAM算法, 控制与决策, 2024, 39(6):1787-1800, 已录用.
16. 李晨萍, 张雪波*, 王润花, 李宝全, 方勇纯. 基于视觉SLAM-伺服框架的移动机器人指令滤波反步控制. 控制理论与应用, 2022, 39(12):2233-2241, 已录用.
15. 霍子轩, 袁明星, 张雪波. 主从遥操作位置-速度混合映射研究. 控制工程, 2024, 31(4):654-660, 已录用.
14. 袁明星, 刘馨, 张雪波*. 驱动约束下直线电机自适应鲁棒优化控制. 控制工程, 2022, 29(5): 813-818.
13. 赵铭慧, 张雪波*, 郭宪, 欧勇盛. 基于分层强化学习的通用装配序列规划算法. 控制与决策, 2022, 37(4): 861-870.
12. 张世勇, 张雪波*, 苑晶, 方勇纯. 旋翼无人机环境覆盖与探索规划方法研究综述. 控制与决策, 2022, 37(3): 513-529. (入选封面文章、最佳论文奖)
11. 赵铭慧, 张雪波*, 郭宪, 欧勇盛. 基于深度强化学习的双向装配序列规划. 控制理论与应用, 2021, 38(12): 1901-1910.
10. 张一淳, 张雪波*, 方勇纯, 沈佩尧. 基于万向轮的全方位移动机器人航位推算与跟踪控制研究. 机器人, 2015, 37(3): 361-368.
9. 张雪波, 路晗, 方勇纯, 李宝全. 室外环境下PTZ摄像机全自动标定技术及其应用. 机器人, 2013, 35(4): 385-393. (期刊网站首页图片新闻推荐阅读)
8. 张雪波, 方勇纯, 刘玺. 移动机器人自适应视觉伺服镇定控制. 控制理论与应用, 2010, 27(9): 1123-1130.
7. 张雪波, 方勇纯, 马博军. 基于单应矩阵的摄像机标定方法及应用. 控制工程, 2010, 17(2): 248-251.
6. Zhang X, Fang Y, Ma B. A PFM-Based Global Convergence Visual Servo Path Planner. Acta Automatica Sinica (自动化学报), 2008, 34(10): 1250-1256.
5. 董星亮, 苑晶*, 黄枢子, 杨少坤, 张雪波, 孙凤池, 黄亚楼. 室内环境下基于平面与线段特征的RGB-D视觉里程计. 机器人, 2018, 40 (6): 921-932.
4. 董星亮, 苑晶*, 张雪波, 黄亚楼. 室内环境下基于图像序列拓扑关系的移动机器人全局定位, 机器人, 2019, 41(1): 83-94.
3. 李宝全, 方勇纯, 张雪波. 基于2D三焦点张量的移动机器人视觉伺服镇定控制. 自动化学报, 2014, 40(12): 2714-2723.
2. 辛哲奎, 方勇纯, 张雪波. 小型无人机地面跟踪系统机载云台自适应跟踪控制. 控制理论与应用, 2010, 27(8): 1001-1006.
1. 苑英海, 方勇纯, 张雪波. 基于全局代价函数优化的立体标定方法. 仪器仪表学报, 2011, 32(10): 2228-2234.
25. Z. Wang, S. Zhang*, H. Xi, T. Li, X. Zhang. Visibility-enhanced Elastic Tracker Algorithm for Stable and Flexible Aerial Tracking. IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS), 2024: 1727-1732.(Best Paper Award)
24. Q. Dong, H. Xi, S. Zhang*, Q. Bi, T. Li, Z. Wang, X. Zhang. Fast and Communication-Efficient Multi-UAV Exploration Via Voronoi Partition on Dynamic Topological Graph. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024: 14063-14070. [Bilibili][Code]
23. S. Liu, R. Wang*, X. Zhang, Q. Bi. SFRE: Safe and Fast Robotic Exploration for 3D Uneven terrains. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). 2024: 636-641. [Bilibili]
22. Q. Bi, X. Zhang*, S. Zhang, Z. Pan, R. Wang. TMPU: A Framework for Terrain Traversability Mapping and Planning in Uneven and Unstructured Environments. Chinese Control Conference (CCC). 2023: 01-07. [Bilibili]
21. J. Wen, X. Zhang*, Q. Bi, Z. Pan, Y. Feng, J. Yuan, Y. Fang, MRPB 1. 0: A unified benchmark for the evaluation of mobile robot local planning approaches, 2021IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021, pp. 8238-8244. [Bilibili] [Code]
20. B. Zhang, X. Zhang*, X. Chen and Y. Fang, Grid Map Guided Indoor 3D Reconstruction for Mobile Robots with RGB-D Sensors, 2018 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2018, pp. 498-503.
19. P. Shen, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang, Essential properties of numerical integration for time-optimal trajectory planning along a specified path, 2017 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL with ICRA option), 2017, pp. 888-895.
18. B. Zhang, X. Zhang*, X. Chen, and Y. Fang, A differential evolution approach for coverage optimization of visual sensor networks with parallel occlusion detection, 2016 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2016, pp. 1246-1251.
17. X. T. Zhang, Y. Fang, X. Liang, X. Zhang, Geometric adaptive dynamic visual servoing of a quadrotor UAV, 2016IEEE/ASMEInternational Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics(AIM), 2016, pp. 312-317.
16. X. Zhang, R. Xue, Y. Yang, L. Cheng, Y. Fang, Learning time-optimal anti-swing trajectories for overhead crane systems, The 13th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN), 2016, pp. 338-345.
15. X. Zhang, X. Chen, X. Liang, Y. Fang. Distributed coverage optimization for deployment of directional sensor networks, 2015IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2015, pp. 246-251.
14. P. Shen, Y. Fang, X. Zhang, Trajectory planning of omnidirectional mobile robots with active casters: multi-motor coordination and singularity avoidance, The5th Annual IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, 2015, pp. 151-156.
13. X. Zhang, J. Alarcon, X. Chen*, Coverage enhancement for deployment of multi-camera networks, 2015IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2015, pp. 909-914.
12. B. Li, Y. Fang, X. Zhang. Projection homography based uncalibrated visual servoing of wheeled mobile robots, 2014 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2014, pp. 2167 - 2172.
11. X. Zhang, C. Wang, Y. Fang, K. Xing. Planar motion estimation from three-dimensional scenes, 2014 IROS Workshop on Visual Control of Mobile Robots, 2014, pp. 21-26.
10. Y. Huang, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang. Vision-based minimum-time planning of mobile robots with kinematic and visibility constraints. The 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014, pp. 11878-11883.
9. X. Zhang, J. Alarcon, X. Chen. Optimization for 3D Model-based Multi-Camera Deployment. The 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014, pp. 10127-10131.
8. X. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Fang. Implicit feedback stabilizer-based explicit trajectory planning of mobile robots with kinematic constraints, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014, pp. 4600-4605.
7. C. Chen, Y. He, C. Bu, J. Han, X. Zhang, Quartic Bezier curve based trajectory generation for autonomous vehicles with curvature and velocity constraints, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014, pp. 6108-6113.
6. J. Alarcon-Herrera, X. Chen, X. Zhang, Viewpoint selection for vision systems in industrial inspection, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014, pp. 4934-4939.
5. B. Li, Y. Fang, X. Zhang. Uncalibrated visual servoing of nonholonomic mobile robots, 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013, pp. 584-589.
4. W. He, Y. Fang, X. Zhang. Prediction-based Interception Control Strategy Design with a Specified Approach Angle Constraint for Wheeled Service Robots, 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013, pp. 2725-2730.
3. X. Zhang, Y. Fang. Set-oriented optimal path planning of mobile robots by a polynomial rootfinder. 2013 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (CCA), 2013, pp. 778-783.
2. Z. Zhao, T. Bouwmans, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang. A fuzzy background modeling approach for motion detection in dynamic backgrounds. International Conference on Multimedia and Signal Processing (CMSP), 2012, pp. 177-185.
1. X. Zhang, Y. Fang, X. Liu. Visual servoing of nonholonomic mobile robots based on a new motion estimation technique. 2009 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2009, pp. 8428-8433.
21. 张雪波, 吴松阳, 张世勇, 宋治星, 王润花, 苑晶, “一种动态实时视觉里程计实现方法、装置和存储介质”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2024 年2月4日, 申请号:2024101550464.
20. 张雪波, 刘馨, 霍子轩, 袁明星, 张世勇, “一种机械臂主动建图方法及装置”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2023年6月16日, 申请号:202310723230.
19. 张雪波, 毕清晨, 潘张超, 张世勇, 王润花, 苑晶, “基于未知连通区域质心的多机器人自主探索方法及系统”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2023年6月5日, 专利号:ZL202310654646. 0, 授权日:2023年8月1日.
18. 张雪波, 霍子轩, 袁明星, 黄君胜, 张帅康, “一种基于在线规划调节的机器人轨迹复原控制方法”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2023年1月2日, 申请号:2024100032947.
17. 张雪波, 周燕玲, 袁明星, 赵铭慧, “基于深度相机的自主识别智能抓取方法及系统”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2021年6月10日, 专利号:ZL202110648787. 2, 授权日:2023年4月18日.
16. 张雪波, 姜帆, 赵铭慧, 戚琪, “一种基于多智能体强化学习的机器人追捕方法”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2021年3月31日, 专利号:ZL202110348762. 0, 授权日:2023年4月7日.
15. 张雪波, 刘皓月, 宋锐, 方勇纯, “一种基于欧氏聚类的多平面提取方法”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2020年10月10日, 专利号:ZL202011078122. 4, 授权日:2022年11月11日.
14. 张雪波, 温键, 苑晶, 方勇纯, “一种基于稀疏带状结构的局部路径优化方法及系统”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2021年5月24日, 专利号:ZL202110566018. 8, 授权日:2022年9月27日.
13. 张雪波、周燕玲、袁明星、赵铭慧、苑晶, 专利名称:“一种考虑机械臂运动约束的三维重建中相机位姿估计方法”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2022年6月22日, 专利号:ZL202210707774. 2, 授权日:2022年9月9日.
12. 张雪波、郭宪、牛慧敏、安博、吕国学、方勇纯, 专利名称:“一种传感器交互运动意图获取方法及系统”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2022年3月7日, 专利号:ZL202210213808. 2, 授权日:2022年5月24日.
11. 胡子琦, 苑晶, 公岩松, 俞诗卓, 张雪波, “配网带电作业机器人的激光点云输电线引线拟合方法”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2021年7月26日, 专利号:ZL202110845733. 5, 授权日:2022年3月15日.
10. 张雪波, 高海明, 苑晶, 宋剑超, 方勇纯, “基于结构单元编码和多假设跟踪的线激光全局定位方法”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2018年11月5日, 申请号:2018113067760, 授权日:2022年4月22日.
9. 张雪波, 沈佩尧, 方勇纯, “内嵌运动性能调节机制的速度规划方法”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2018年11月5日, 申请号:2018113069855, 授权日:2021年10月29日.
8. 张雪波, 王佳蕊, 方勇纯, “一种基于人类行为模拟的移动机器人实时运动规划方法”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2017年12月22日, 申请号:2017113996495, 授权日:2020年11月13日.
7. 沈佩尧, 张雪波, 方勇纯, “移动机器人沿给定路径的完备且最短时间轨迹规划方法”, 申请人:南开大学, 申请日:2017年11月23日, 申请号:2017111779978, 授权日:2020年8月4日.
6. 张雪波, 薛瑞杰, 方勇纯, “桥式吊车最短时间防摆轨迹实时生成方法”, 专利号: ZL2016104121894, 申请日: 2016年6月13日, 授权日:2017年6月16日.
5. 方勇纯, 张雪波, 王聪媛, 路晗, “基于全局单应矩阵的单目视觉测量方法”, 专利号:ZL2015100219850, 申请日: 2015年1月9日, 授权日:2017年7月11日.
4. 方勇纯, 张雪波, 路晗, 李宝全, “ 室外环境下变焦云台摄像机全自动标定方法”, 专利号: ZL201210159132X, 申请日: 2012年5月21日, 授权日: 2014年8月20日.
3. 方勇纯, 任逍, 张雪波, 齐宁宁, “基于压电扫描管阶跃响应曲线的原子力显微镜动态成像方法”, 专利号:ZL201310401957. 2, 授权日: 2015年11月18日.
2. 方勇纯, 李宝全, 张雪波, 刘开征, “基于球形投影模型的纯旋转摄像机自标定方法”, 专利号: ZL2012102434203, 申请日: 2012年7月13日, 授权日: 2014年8月6日.
1. 方勇纯, 吴桐, 张雪波, 张一淳, “基于FPGA和DSP的原子力显微镜硬件控制系统”, 专利号:ZL2014102417372, 申请日: 2014年5月30日, 授权日: 2017年1月25日.