·2021 天津 南开大学人工智能学院 讲师
· 2012.09 - 2016.06 大连海事大学 工学学士
· 2016.09 - 2018.06 南开大学 硕士(转攻博)
· 2018.09 - 2021.06 南开大学 工学博士
· 移动机器人视觉伺服、轨迹规划
1. R. Wang, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang, and B. Li, Virtual-goal-guided RRT for visual servoing of mobile robots with FOV constraint, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Online DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2020.3044347
2. R. Wang, X. Zhang*, Y. Fang, Visual tracking of mobile robots with both velocity and acceleration saturation constraints, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021,150: 107274.
3. X. Zhang, R. Wang, Y. Fang*, B. Li, and B. Ma, Acceleration-level pseudo-dynamic visual servoing of mobile robots with backstepping and dynamic surface control, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2019, 49(10): 2071-2081.
4. R. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Fang, and B. Li. Visual servoing of mobile robots with input saturation at kinematic level. International Conference on Image and Graphics. Springer, Shanghai, 2017.
5. M. Michałek , R Wang, and X. Zhang, VFO controller for set-point visual servoing of unicycle-like mobile robots equipped with a camera of an uncertain depth scale factor. IEEE International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo). Poland, 2019.
· 2021.05 南开大学研究生优秀毕业生
· 2020.10 南开大学研究生公能一等奖学金
· 2019.10 南开大学研究生公能二等奖学金
· 2015.10 大连海事大学国家奖学金
E-mail: wrunhua@163.com