· 2024 广东 广州大学 讲师
· 2017.09-2020.04: 哈尔滨工程大学 电气工程 工学硕士
· 2020.09-2024.06: 南开大学 人工智能 工学博士
1. L. Li,X. Zhang*, C. Qian, M. Zhao, R. Cross coordination of behavior clone and reinforcement learning for autonomous within-visual-range air combats, Neurocomputing, 2024, 584: 127591.
2. L. Li,X. Zhang*, C. Qian, R. Wang, M. Zhao, Autopilot Controller of Fixed-Wing Planes Based on Curriculum Reinforcement Learning Scheduled by Adaptive Learning Curve, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2024, 8(3): 2182-2196.
3. L. Li,X. Zhang*, C. Qian, R. Wang. Basic flight maneuver generation of fixed-wing plane based on proximal policy optimization, Neural Computing and Applications, 2023, 35:10239.
4. L. Li,Y. Wang, C. Qian, M. Zhao. Reinforcement learning methods for fixed-wing aircraft control, Proceedings of 2023 International Conference on Systems and Informatics. 2023: 1-8.
5. H. Liu, L. Li, Y. Han, et al. Method of identifying the lengths of equivalent clear-sky periods in the time series of DNI measurements based on generalized atmospheric turbidity. Renewable Energy, 2019.(Q1)
6. C. Qian, X. Zhang, L. Li, et al. H3E: Learning air combat with a three-level hierarchical framework embedding expert knowledge. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024.(Q1)
• 2018-2020 国家奖学金, 哈尔滨工程大学校三好学生, 哈尔滨工程校优秀毕业生
• 2020.9-至今 南开大学校公能奖学金三次
• 2021年获“墨子杯”亚军、2022年获全国智能联合海上作战算法赛二等奖和优秀算法奖
• 2023年全国兵棋推演大赛智能空中博弈算法挑战赛冠军,优秀算法奖
· E-mail: 1120200179@mail.nankai.edu.cn